general knowledge and current affairs questions

By shyamlal  |  08:29

1.Newly elected  international Olympic committee  president?
 Answer: Thomas bach

2.Present CAG of India is?
Answer: Sashikanth Sharma

3.who  wrote the book "what young india want" ?
Answer: Chetan Bhagat

4.Present chief election commissioner ?
Answer: v s sampath

5.Next Olympic games will be held at ?
Answer: brazil

6.World Autism Awareness Day ?
Answer: April 2

7.largest fresh water or largest lake in India?
Answer: Wular Lake (kashmir)

*8. 2013  dronacharya award winners

a. Mahavir Singh -Boxing
b.  Narinder Singh Saini -Hockey
c. K P Thomas -Athletics
d. Raj Singh -Wrestling

Author: shyamlal

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