PSC Information Technology
(Questions & Answers ) - 4
(Questions & Answers ) - 4
46. The initiative of the US government which is considered as the
early form of internet:
Answer: (d)
47. World Computer Security Day:
(a) October 30 (b) November 30
(c) December 30 (d) January 30
Answer: (b)
48. This is the exclusive right granted by statute to the author
of the works to reproduce dramatic, artistic, literary or musical work or to
authorize its reproduction by others:
(a) Patent (b) Copy Right
(c)Trade Mark (d) None of the above
Answer: (b)
49. Feeling guilty or defensive about our internet use is a
symptom of ________.
(a) Cyber addiction (b) Net
(c) Online-Chatting (d) Cyber crime
Answer: (a)
50._______ are a bundle of
exclusive rights over creations of the mind, both artistic and commercial:
(a) Intellectual property rights (b) Copyright
(c) Patent (d) Trademark
Answer: (a)
51. Digital images are entered into the computer using
(a) Keyboard (b) Speaker
(c) Scanner (d) Digital Camera
Answer: (d)
52.Spell check is the under ___ menu.
(a) Tool (b) Format
(c) Edit (d) View
Answer: (a)
53.Hotmail was created by:
(a) Bill Gates (b) Sabir
(c) Berners Lee (d) Richard Stallman
Answer: (b)
54. Which one of the following is not an internet browser?
(a) Mozilla (b) Internet explorer
(c) Windows Explorer (d) Netscape Navigator
Answer: (c)
55. The domain name for government organisations is:
(a) .gov (b).govnt
(c) .com (d) .org
Answer: (a)
56. Which one of the following is not an input device?
(a) Mouse (b) Keyboard
(c) Barcode reader (d) Monitor
Answer: (d)
57. The full form of U.P.S.
(a) Uniform Power Supply
(b) Uninterrupted Power Supply
(c) Universal Power Supply
(d) Unidirectional Power Supply
Answer: (b)
58. The domain name for government institutions:
(a) org (b) gov (c) com (d) firm
Answer: (b)
59. Which device is used to display graphics and information on
video screen?
(a) CPU (b) Modem (c) Scanner
(d) Monitor
Answer: (d)
60. The programs or instructions that tells the computer what to do:
(a) Software (b) Hardware
(c) Virus (d) mailmerge
Answer: (a)
Pages 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10.