Paper Code:- 28/2016 Date Of Test:-13.02.2016
Maximum: 100 marks
Time: 1 hour and 15 minutes
1. A triangle lamina having a base 1 in and height 1.5 in is placed vertically under water with
the base parallel to the water surface and the base below 3 m of water. The total force
exerted on one face is:
(A) 18.394 kN (B) 18.394 kg
(C) 36.788 kN • (D) 15.234 kg
2. If the velocity potential function is given by = 3x — 4y, find the magnitude and direction of
velocity at any point:
(A) 4.87 m/s, 450 (B) 5 m/s, 38° 3'
(C) 6m/s. 53° 7' (D) 7 mls, 61° 7'
3. A jet of water 40 mm in diameter has a velocity of 25 m/s. Find the power of the jet:
(A) 10.81 kW (B) 9.82 kW
(C) 10 kW (D) 4.35 kW
4. Find the bed slope 'i' of a wide rectangular channel so that the flow to reach a given critical
depth d, and Manning's coefficient n:
(A) i (B) i =—
. gn2
(c) i=e 4 g i
5. The discharge available from a tube well is 120 mi/hr. Assuming 3200 h of working of the
tube well for a year, the intensity of irrigation as 50% and average depth of Rabi and Kharif
crop as 48 cm, the culturable area that this tube well can command is:
(A) 160 ha (B) 172 ha
(C) 168 ha (D) 80 ha
6. Lacey's formula for fixation of water way is:
(A) V ..0.55 y°54 (B) 4.75/
10 Q = KAI (D) Q =, AV
7. An offset is laid out 2° from its true direction on the field. If the scale of plotting is 10 in to
1 cm, find the maximum length of the offset so that the displacement of the point on the
paper may not exceed 0.25 mm?
(A) 5.0 m (B) 6.12 m
(C) 7.16m (I)) 8.16m
8. The following perpendicular offsets were taken at 10 m intervals from a survey line to an
irregular boundary line: 3.25, 5.6, 4.2, 6.65, 8.75, 6.2, 3.25,4.2, 5.65. Calculate the area by trapezoidal rule
(A) 433 m2 (B) 439.67 m2
(C) 424.44 m2 (D) 440m2
9. A square footing 2.5 m x 2.5 in is built in a homogeneous bed of sand of unit weight 20 kN/ni 3
and having an angle of shearing resistance of 36°. The depth of the base of the footing is
1.5 in below the ground surface. Calculate the safe load that can be carried by a footing with
a factor of safety 3 against complete shear failure?
Bearing capacity factors N, = 65.4, N g = 49.4 and N, 54.0
(A) 4325 kN (B) 4927.5 kN
(C) 5:319.6 kN (D) 5462.5 kN
10. Hydrophobic cement is obtained by grinding ordinary Portland cement clinker with:
(A) Hydrochloric acid (B) Oleic acid
(C) Glicerine (D) Acetol
11. How much initial slump is required for a concrete mix to he fluidised by plasticizers or super
(A) 2 to 3 cm (B) 2 to 3 mm
(C) 5 cm (1)) 10 mm
12. ISO: 800-2007 limits the va lues of width- thickness ratios of the elements of a steel section to
place a check on:
(A) Bending buckling (B) Torsional buckling
(C) Flexural torsional buckling (1)) Local buckling
13. The shape factor of a square of side 'a' with its diagonal parallel to the ZZ axis is :
(A) 2 (B) 1.7
(C) 2.343 (D)
14. Strength of a 20 mm diameter bolt of grade 4.6 for a single cover butt joint. The cover plate
being 10 mm thick. Assume steel of grade Fe 410, f„ = 410 MPa, for bolts of grade 4.6,
= 400 MPa, Partial safety factor for the material of the bolt y„, t , = 1.25 and net tensile
stress area of 20 mm diameter bolt A„b = 245 mm2, le; =0.5 in single shear is:
(A) 80 kN (B). 45.26 kN
(C) 96.0 kN • (D) 125 1EN
15. Minimum grade of concrete mix used for water retaining structures with alternate wetting
and drying:
(A) M20 (B) M25
(C) M30 (D) M35
16. A hook 12 mm diameter is embedded in concrete for a distance of 100 mm. Calculate the
maximum load which the hook can carry if the bond stress is not to exceed 1.28 N/mm 2:
(A) 5100N (B) 415N
(C) 4825 N (D) 5000N
17. Year's purchase for an old building if its future life is 15 years and the rate of interest is 7%
on capital and 4% for sinking fund:
(A) 8.333 • (B) 9.231
(C) 10.11 (D) 10.21
18. A beam of span / carries a concentrated load P at mid span. Work done by the external load
P213 p218
(A) (111
48 El 96 E1
1,13 (C) (D)
96 El 48 E1
19. A three hinged arch of span 20 m and rise 4 m carries a uniformly distributed load of
25 kN/m. Horizontal thrust is:
(A) 250 kN (B) 600 kN
(C) 312.5 kN (D) 425 kN
20. Find the shortest length L for a pin ended steel column having a cross section of
60 ram x100 nim for which Euler's formula applies. Take Es 2 x 10$N/mm2 and critical
proportional limit is 250 N/mm 2: •
(A) 6000 mm (B) 2500 mm
(C) 2000 mm (D) 1639 mm
21. Which method of analysis of water distribution system is most suitable for long and narrow
pipe system?
(A) Circle method (B) Hardy Cross Method
(C) Equivalent Pipe method ' (D) Electrical Analysis method
22. For disinfecting water supply, it is required to treat 5,00,000 litres of daily supply with
0.5 ppm of chlorine. If the disinfectant is available in the form of bleaching powder containing
30% of available chlorine, the amount of bleaching powder required to treat the, daily flow of
water is:
(A) 0.833 kg (B). 0.916 kg
(C) 0.918 kg (D) None
23. In water treatment settling unit, water having a temperature of 20 Degree Centigrade
carries solid particles with average diameter of 0.05 mm and specific gravity 1.20. Given
y = 1.01 centi stokes. Settling velocity of settling particles is:
(A) 0.027 cm/s (B) 3.1 mm/s
(C) 2.73 cm/s (D) 0.21 minis
24. A main sewer is to be designed to receive a flow from 1 lan 2 area of a community where the
population density is 200 persons/ha. The average sewage flow is 150 litres per capita
per day. Assume peak factor ='3. The design flow for the main sewer is:
(A) 7.934 mlpd (B) 8.13 mlpd
(C) 10.0 mlpd (D) 9.0 mlpd
• 25. At shut off head of a centrifugal pump, the discharge is:
(A) Maximum (B) Zero
(C) Rated Discharge (D) None
26. The minimum dissolved oxygen which should always be present in water in order to save
aquatic life is:
(A) 1 ppm • (B) 40 ppm
(C) 4 PPm (D) 10 ppm
27. In the case of surface water with a pH range of 6 to 8, which is the most suitable coagulant:
(A) Alum (B) Quick lime
(C) Lime (D) Potassium Permanganate
28. The pipe joint commonly used in pumping station are:
(A) Flexible joint (B) Expansion joint
(C) Flanged joint (D) Socket and spigot joint
29. The strength of chlorine in fresh bleaching powder is:
(A) About 60% (B) About 10%
(C) About 20% (D) About 30%
30. Estimated the quantity of secondary sludge produced by a secondary settling tank treating
sewage discharge of 3.5 mid. The sludge may be assumed to have a solid concentration of
200 mg/I, removal efficiency of suspended solids as 90% and the solid content of the sludge as
6 per cent :
(A) 10.5 cum/day •
(B) 8.3 cum/day
(C) 9.1 cum/day
(D) 7.93 cum/day
81. The equation used for experimental measurement of viscosity is:
(A) Darcy equation (B) Stokes equation
(C) Fanning equation (D) Hagen Poiseuille equation
32. Bernoullis equation is derived starting from:
(A) Mass Balance (B) Force Balance
(C) Momentum Balance (D) Energy Balance
38. Orifieemeter is used for measuring:
(A) Pressure (B) Flow rate
(C) Density (D) Viscosity
34. Optical Pyrometer working principle is based on:
(A) Stefan -Boltzmann law (B) Weins displacement law
(C) Kirchoff law (D) Planck& law
35. Fronde number is directly proportional to:
(A) Impeller speed (B) Fluid viscosity
(C) Square of Impeller diameter (D) Square of impeller speed
36. Centrifuging in Ball mills occur when the speed is:
(A) Equal to Critical speed (B) Less than critical speed
(C) Greater than critical speed (B) None of the above
37. Peclet Number NPe is the product of:
(A) Reynolds Number and Nusselt Number
(B) Reynolds No. and Prandtl No.
(C) Prandtl No. and Nusselt No.
(D) Reynolds No. and Rayleigh No.
38. LMTD correction factors are used for:
(A) Parallel flow (B) Counter Flow
. (C) Cross flow (D) All the above three
39. Slugging in fluidized beds occur when:
(A) Particles are large and heavy
(B) The Vessel is narrow and the bed is deep
(C) Neither (A) nor (13)
(D) Both (A) and (B)
40. Michaelis - Menten parameters can be evaluated using:
(A) Eadie Hoftsee Plot (B) Lineweaver Burke Plot
(C) Neither (A) nor (B) (D) Both (A) and (B)
41. In the CGS system 1 stoke is defined as:
(A) 1 ft2/s (B) 1 ne I s
(C) 1 ire/s (D) 1 cne I s
42. Boiling Point Elevation of solutions strongly influences:
(A) Capacity of multiple effect evaporators
(B) Economy of multiple effect evaporators
(C) Both capacity and economy
(D) Neither capacity nor economy
43. At all humidities Other than zero or hundred percentage, percentage humidity is:
(A) Greater than relative humidity (B) Equal to relative humidity
(C) Less than relative humidity • (D) None of the above
44. Many important fermentation products like antibiotics are formed during:
(A) Lag phase (B) Growth phase
(C) Stationary phase (D) Death phase of cell growth
46. Dilution rate D for a bioreactor is the reciprocal of:
(A) Space Time (B) Residence Time
(C) Space velocity (D) Time constant
46. Ficks law of diffusion is analogous to :
(A) Newtons law of viscosity (B) Fouriers law of heat conduction
(C) Both (A) and (B) (D) Neither (A) nor (B)
47. Temperature dependency of equilibrium constant is predicted by:
(A) Vant Hoff Equation (B) Clayperon Equation
(C) Raoults law (D) Arrhenius Equation
48. In an ideal PPR, the reactant concentration:
(A) is uniform within the reactor
(B) varies along the cross section of the reactor
(C) varies along the length of the reactor
(D) none of the above
49. Baffles in shell and Tube heat exchangers are provided mainly for:
(A) Increasing shell side turbulence (B) Increasing tube side turbulence
(C) Fixing the tubes (I)) Fixing the tie rods .
50. Conversions in reversible exothermic reactions can be improved by:
(A) Interstage Heating (B) Interstage Cooling
(C) Isothermal Operation (D) Isobaric operations
51. Fmssling correlation relates mass transfer coefficient with:
(A) Particle size (B) Particle velosity
(C) Mass diffusivity (D) All the above three
52. Knudsen diffusivity is:
(A) Directly proportional to pressure
(B) Independent of pressure
(C) Proportional to square root of pressure
(D) Inversely proportional to pressure
53. Crushing Rolls are:
(A). Primary crushers (D) Grinders
(C) Ultrafine grinders • (D) None of the above
54. Differential method of analysis of kinetic data is:
(A) Complex but accurate (B) Simple and accurate
(C) Complex and inaccurate (D) Simple and inaccurate
55. Rate Selectivity parameter is important in the designof:
(A) Multiple reactions (B) Single reactions
.(C) Elementary reactions (1)) None of the above
56. A U-tube manometer is connected to a vessel to measure the pressure inside. If mercury is
the working fluid of manometer, the height difference between two columns of the
manometer measured is 24 cm, the pressure inside the vessel in kPa is:
(A) 31.9 (B) 49.1
(C) 3.1 (D) 10.4
57. One kilogram of water is heated from 20°C to 90°C. If the specific heat of water is
4.186 kJ/kgK, the entropy change occurred assuming constant specific heat in kJ/kg1{ :
(A) 0.0786 (B) 9.5321
(C) 98.1773 (D) 0.8958
58. The volume flow rate of a water jet striking a flat plate placed normal to its path is 0.06 m 3/s
and exerts a force of 935 N. Considering the density of water as 1000 Kg/m 3 , the diameter in
mm of the water jet is:
(A) 46 (B) 70
(C) 38 CD) 97
59. In order to have maximum power from a Pelton turbine, the bucket speed must be:
(A) Equal to the jet speed (B) Equal to half the jet speed
(C) Equal to twice the jet speed (D) Independent of the jet speed
60. Heat and work are:
(A) Path functions (B) Extensive properties
(C) Point functions (D) Intensive properties
61. Air at 20°C blows over a hot plate of dimensions 50 x 60 cm maintained at 250°C. If the
convection heat transfer coefficient is 29 W/m2 °C, the heat transfer took place in kW is:
(A) 36.6 (B) 14
(C) 8 (D) 2
62. In a condenser of a power plant, the steam condenses at a temperature of 70°C. The cooling
water enters at 30°C and leaves at 50°C. The logarithmic mean temperature difference of the
condenser is:
(A) 24.2°C (B) 28.8°C
(C) 20.6°C (D) 37.5°C
63. The work done in kJ/kg to pump water isentropically from 100 KPa and 30°C to 5 MPa at a
constant specific volume of 0.001021 m 3 /kg neglecting the changes in kinetic energy and
potential energy is:
(A) 5 (B) 38
(C) 232 (D) 84
64. A refrigerator takes an electrical power of 150 Watts and rejects 450 Watts to surrounding
air. The coefficient of performance of refrigerator is:
(A) 1-2 (B) 0.8
(C) 3 (D) 2
65. Which one of the following is a CPC refrigerant?
(A) R744 (B) R290
(C) R502 (D) R718
66. Tooth interference in an external involute spur gear pair can be reduced by:
(A) Decreasing center distance between gear pair
(B) Increasing pressure angle
(C) Decreasing module
(D) Decreasing number of gear teeth
67. The following data refers to two crossed helical gears used for speed reduction. Gear 1: Pitch
circle diameter in the plane of rotation 80 mm and helix angle 30°. Gear H: Pitch circle
diameter in the plane of rotation 120 mm and helix angle 22.5°. If the input speed is
1280 rpm, the output speed in rpm is:
(A) 900 rpm (B) 950 rpm
(C) 800 rpm (D) 850 rpm
68. A clutch has outer and inner diameters 100 mm and 40 mm respectively. Assuming a
uniform pressure of 2 MPa and coefficient of friction of liner material 0.4, the torque carrying
capacity of clutch is:
(A) 148 Nm (B) 490 Nm
(C) 372 Nm (D) 196 Nm
69. If the equilibrium speed of a governor is constant for all radii of rotation of the fly balls
within the working range, it is known as:
(A) Isochronism (B) Hunting
(C) Insensitiveness (D) Stability
70. The gyroscopic couple of a suspended disc rotating at 1000 rpm is 15 N -m and the moment of
inertia is 0.4 kg -ms, then the precession velocity of the disc in red/sec is close to:
(A) 0.35 (3) 35
(C) 8.5 (D) 0.0375
71. The fraction of unbalanced mass used for primary balancing of a reciprocating engine is:
(A) 0.2 (B) 0.9
(C) 0.6 (D) 0.05
72. If the balancing mass of a locomotive wheel is 15 kg acting at a radius of 0.7 in when the
wheel has dead weight of 110 kg, the limiting rotational speed of the wheel in rad/sec to avoid
lifting from rails is close to:
(A) 7.1 (B) 6.6
(C) 9.7 (D) 8.4
73. The crystal structure of austenite is:
(A) Body centered cubic (B) Face centered cubic
(C) Hexagonal closed packed (D) Body centered tetragonal
74. The maximum energy that can be absorbed per unit volume without creating a permanent
distortion in a material is known as:
(A) Modulus of resilience (B) Modulus of toughness
(C) Modulus of rupture (D) Modulus of rigidity
75. A stainless steel rod of 10 mm diameter id being reduced to 9 mm by turning on H lathe. If
the spindle rotates at 360 rpm and the tool travel rate is 175 mm/min, the material removal
rate in mm3/min is close to:
(A) 1034.6 (B) 2610.8
(C) 874.4 (D) 356.9
76. The welding processes which uses non -consumable electrode is:
(A) Gas metal arc welding (B) Submerged arc welding
(C) Gas tungsten arc welding (D) Flux coated are welding
77. Internal gear cutting operation can be performed by:
(A) Milling (B) Bobbing
(C) Shaping with pinion cutter (D) Shaping with rack cutter
78. For a damped vibrating system, when the critical damping coefficient is less than the
damping coefficient, the system is said to be:
(A) Under -damped (B) Over -damped
(C) Critically -damped (D) Undamped
79. If two nodes are observed at a frequency of 1200 rpm during whirling of a simply supported
long slender rotating shaft, the first critical speed of the shaft in rpm is.
(A) 1800 (B) 400
(C) 600 (D) 2400
80. A thin walled spherical shell is subjected to an internal pressure. If the radius of the shell is
increased by 1%, with the internal pressure remaining the same, the percentage change in
the hoop stress is.
(A) 1 (B) 1.25
(C) 3 (D) 2
81. Who was the President of Indian Constituent Assembly?
(A) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar (B) Jawaharlal Nehru
(C) Dr. Rajendra Prasad (1)) Sardar Patel
82. The first amendment of Indian Constitution came into force on:
(A) 18-6-1951 (B) 18-6-1952
(C) 18-6-1953 (D) 28-8-1954
83. In the Parliamentary system of India, the executive is subordinated to:
(A) The voters (B) Legislature
(C) Media (1)) None of these
84. Who is the founder of PRDS?
(A) K.P. Yohannan (B) Poykayil Srikumara Devlin
(C) Chattamby Swamy (D) Sabodaran Ayyappan
85. Who helped the Vaikom Satyagrahis by opening a free kitchen for them?
(A) Bengalis • (B) Assamese
(C) Akalis (1)) Kashmiris •
86. The women K.P.C.C. President who lead the Quit India and Civil disobedience movements:
(A) Fathima Tleevi (B) Kutty Malu Amma
(C) Nafeesath Beevi (1)) Captain Laxmi
87. The author of the work 'Odakkuzhal' who won the 'Njanapeetom' Award:
(A) Ulloor (B) Vallalhol
(C) G. Sankara Kurup (D) Akkithom
88. Who was the leader to become the head of the Radio Broadcast division , of Indian
Independent League?
(A) K. Kelappan (B) T.K- Madhavan
(C) K.P. Kesava Menon (D) Vakkom Moulavi
89. Who visited Mahathma Gandhi at Thirunelvely in 1921:
(A) Kumaran Man (B) Sree Narayana Guru
(C) T.K. Madhavan (I)) KY. Kesava Menon
90. Where was the first SNDP meeting convened? ,
(A) Aluva (B) Varkala
(C) Pallana (B) Aruvippuriun
91. Birth place of Saint Kusiako Elias Chavara :
(A) Kandankasy (B) Chennamparampu
(C) Kainakary (B) Mannanam
92. Which Newspaper was founded by Vakkom Moulavi?
(A) Deshahhimanv (B) Swadeshabhimani
(C) Samvad Kaumudi (D) Mathrubhoomi
93. Kumaran Man's Veena Poovu was first published in:
(A) Flhashaposhini (B) Mangalodayam
(C) Nasrani Deepika (D) Prabhatham
94. Malayali Memorial Memorandum was submitted to:
(A) Sree Moolam Thirunal (B) Sree Ayilyam Thirunal
(C) Sree Avittam Thirunal (D) Sree Chit hira Thirunal
95. Which one is not a work of Changampuzha?
(A) Ramanan (B) Rakthapuhspangal
(C) Kilikonchal (D) Mayookhamala
96. The Historic struggle lead by Chattampy swamikal to join scheduled class students to
government schools occurred in which place:
(A) Olakettiyambalam (B) Ooruttambalam
(C) Vellayambalam (D) Vazhiyambalam
97. How many members are there in the Kerala legislative assembly?
(A) 140 (B) 141
(C) 142 (D)• 143
98. What is the percentage of seats reserved for women in the Kerala local self government
(A) 33 (13) 40
(C) 50 (D) 25
99. Who founded the first college in Kerala?
(A) S.N.D.P. (B) N.S.S.
(C) M.E.S. (D) CMS.
100. Mannathu Padmanabhan was the president of which Devaswom board?
(A) Travancore (B) Malabar
(C) Guruvayoor (D) None of the above
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