PSC Information Technology
(Questions & Answers ) - 7
(Questions & Answers ) - 7
91. A computer cannot perform which one of the following functions?
(a) Addition (b) Division
(c) Bake a cake (d) Subtraction
Answer: (c)
92. The primary purpose of the software is turn the data
(a) Websites (b) Information
(c) Programs (d) Objects
Answer: (b)
93. The components of a computer system with the circutry to
control in control interpretation and execution of instructions is known as:
(a) ALU (b) Memory (c)
Control (d) CPU
Answer: (d)
94. ‘Megabytes’ is the unit for measuring which of the following:
(a) Intensity of earth quake
(b) Memory capacity of a computer
(c) Intensity of wave length
(d) None of these
Answer: (b)
95. Most of the commonly used personal computers/ laptops do not
have a command key known as:
(a) Turnover (b) Shift (c)
Alter (d) Delete
Answer: (a)
96. The father of Super Computer:
(a) Charles Babbage (b) Glen Ricort
(c) Seymor Cray (d) Winton Surf
Answer: (c)
97. The heart of any computer is:
(a) Memory (b) CPU
(c) I/O Unit (d) Disks
Answer: (b)
98. The word ‘Computer’ is originated from ......... language.
(a) German (b) Italian
(c) Latin (d) Spanish
Answer: (c)
99. What is the default file extension for all Word
(a) WRD (b) TXT (c) DOC
(d) FIL
Answer: (c)
100. Email stands for:
(a) Educational mail (b) Electronic mail
(c) Entertainment mail (d) Excess mail
Answer: (b)
101. Programming errors generally fall into which of the following
(a) Syntax errors (b) Execution errors
(c) Logical errors (d) All of these
Answer: (d)
102.The process of transferring files from a computer on
the internet to your computer is called:
(a) Downloading (b) Uploading
(c) Downsize (d) JPEG
Answer: (a)
103. Which of the following is the fastest printer?
(a) Laser (b) Ink Jet (c) Dot-matrix (d) Plotter
Answer: (a)
104. The most common type of storage devices are:
(a) Persistent (b) Optical
(c) Magnetic (d) Flash
Answer: (c)
105. Unsolicited commercial email is commonly known as:
(a) Spam (b) Junk (c) Hoaxes
(d) Hypertext