PSC Information Technology (Questions & Answers ) - 8

By shyamlal  |  08:45

PSC Information Technology
(Questions & Answers ) - 8
106. What is the full form of ATM?
(a)Automated Tailoring Machine
(b) Any Time Money
(c) Automated Teller Machine
(d)  All Time Money
Answer: (C)

107. The most popular way to materialize XML document is to use:
(a)DTD          (b) XSLT
(c) HTML        (d) SOAP
Answer: (b)

108. To open the font dialogue box in MS Word, we can use the short cut key:
(a)Alt+F (b) Ctrl+F
(c) Ctrl+D (d) Alt+D
Answer: (C)

109. Who was the inventor of mechanical calculator for adding numbers?
(a)Charles Babbage (b) Pascal
(c) Peano (d) De Morgan
Answer: (b)

110. In a DTP software, to strech as short title of a paper across the page, use the _____ option.
(a)Expanded (b) Proportional
(c) Scale (d) Horizontal Algnment
Answer: (a)

111. RAD stands for:
(a)Repeated Application Development
(b) Ready Application Development
(c) Relative Application Development
(d) Rapid Application Development
Answer: (d)

112. What is I-beam?
(a)A pointer used to select text   (b) A special tool used in animations
(c) Transitions (d) None of these
Answer: (a)

113. All the information collected during database development is stored in a:
(a)Data path (b) Data warehouse
(c) RAD (d) CASE
Answer: (b)

114. Primary key is selected from the:
(a)Candidate keys
(b) Composite keys
(c) Determinants
(d) Foreign keys
Answer: (a)

115. The personal computer industry was started by:
(a)IBM (b) Apple
(c) HLC (d) Compaq
Answer: (a)

116. As compared to the secondary storage devices, primary storage units have:
(a)Faster (b) Costlier
(c) Less storage capacity   (d) All of the above
Answer: (d)

117. Which of the following does not affect the resolution of a video display image?
(a)Band width
(b) Raster scan rage
(c) Vertical and horizontal lines of resolution
(d) Screen size
Answer: (d)

118. What is the name of the operating system for
laptop computer called MacLite?
(a)MS-DOS (b) Windows-NT
(c) OZ (d) Windows-XP
Answer: (C)

119. The number of processes completed per unit time is known as:
(a)Hit ratio (b) Efficiency
(c) Capacity (d) Throughput
Answer: (d)

120. The altering of data so that it is not usable unless the changes are undone is:
(a)Biometrics (b) Ergonomics
(c) Encryption (d) Compression
Answer: (C)
Pages  01020304050607, 08, 09, 10

Author: shyamlal

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